AWS Cloud Security: Best Three Security Practices
That You Need to Implement Today

Have you recently migrated your application and data to cloud storage? Great! What’s next? Now that you have turned your files into S3 and code into EC2 instances, it is time for you to wrap them with impenetrable security.

Now, while you are securing your app and data in the cloud, the whole cloud is being secured by AWS. AWS uses a shared security responsibility. AWS will keep the infrastructure of the cloud strong, which includes software, hardware, and every network that is being used to run the AWS platform.

Though, security access to your application and AWS resources is still your responsibility.

As cloud services started to emerge, the digital threat level grew alongside it. With the right security practices and routine pentesting, every security can be foolproof. After applying the basic AWS security practices, you will need to implement the best AWS cloud security practices.

Here is an overview of the most common AWS security practices that you should implement immediately to keep your resources secured and your security impenetrable.

Analyze CloudTrail

CloudTrail doesn’t affect your service directly. It is rather a logbook that keeps track of the entire activity that’s happening in your AWS account. CloudTrail comes as default. The day you create an AWS account, CloudTrail creates logs. It helps in analyzing whether your security configuration is enough. With the help of CloudTrail, you can view the:

  • All the AWS services updates
  • The IP address of the API calls
  • The activity of different accounts

CloudTrail is one of the best AWS built-in features that assists you to monitor your company’s digital assets and secure them as needed. At the same time, you will also need to decide who will be monitoring the changes and which security patches you need to deploy.

Keep S3 Concealed

The Simple Storage Service provides the highest level of secured and durability data storage. The feature is designed to deny access to most of the sources. Only the object owner and bucket owner has the read/write access to the S3 buckets.

Make sure that you have locked your S3 buckets for preventing unauthorized users from viewing, uploading or deleting any files from the S3 that could compromise your organization’s security.

Allocate limited access levels to the users. Limit what they can view and what they can do in your AWS account. It is one of the most basic ways to keep your S3 under control.

Follow IAM Practices

Amazon’s IAM is provided for free to the users which they can use for managing the access level to the company’s resources and services within AWS. By default, access to resources is prohibited/denied. So, when a person is trying to access the company’s resources, you will need to grant permission to let them in.

The best part about IAM is, it provides a granule access level to users. Which means, when you are allowing a user to access your Amazon AWS, they can only access a segment of resource, not your entire directory.

The idea is to create different user groups, allocate users to different groups, and set different access levels for different groups. At the same time, they also enable multi-factor authentication for all the users.

When it comes to your cloud security, there’s never enough security. The plan is to update and revise your security measures by practising, implementing, and experimenting with the best AWS cloud security practices.

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